Trinity Sunday, 2017

Most Holy Trinity: Building Unity Through the Cross

From the Christian history of salvation, as recorded in the Bible, God is depicted as being at work, beginning with the creation of everything in existence. The God of creation manifests himself as being interested in existences apart from himself, although from him and associated with him because his immortal breath sustains every creature and his image imprints on all of creation his presence in the physical world. The least that could be said of the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is God’s revelation of himself as communion or relationship, as a God who desires to live in communion with human beings.

The idea of “communion,” for God, is closely linked up with work. God the Father reveals himself as a worker in his work of creation. God the Son shows himself a worker in his work of redemption and salvation. God the Holy Spirit continues as a worker alongside human beings to sanctify, encourage, illumine and guide God’s creation towards the realization of God’s purposes for his creatures. “Working” is the place of encounter with God, and the modus for the creation of unity and communion. The fact that each person of the Holy Trinity shows himself through his activities, with no iota of conflict and disagreements, “communion” becomes the collective project of humanity, irrespective of race, gender, culture, social standing and nationality.

The human experience of “communion” with God is the Cross of Jesus Christ. Human adoption as sons and daughters of God was wrought by Jesus. So, the work of salvation came at a cost and price, the blood of Jesus Christ. For Christians to achieve “communion,” it will come through working for justice and the sweat of the human brow. Human beings have to join in God’s work of and for communion. The unity for which God intends for his creatures will be realized through human cooperation and sacrifices.

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