Pentecost Day: The Old is Gone, the New is Here!
Acts 2:1-11; Galatians 5:16-25; John 16:12-15
If anything, the readings of this Sunday are pointing our attention to something that was done for us, when the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus’ Mother and the Apostles on Pentecost Day. On that day, something new happened, and it replaced what was Old. Pentecost Day is the celebration of that which replaced the Old. Pentecost, prior to the descent of the Holy Spirit, was the celebration of the the Law of Moses. The Ten Commandments took central place in the life of the Jews. It was a distinguishing mark, in addition to the Name YAHWEH, as that which made Israel unique to God and gave them an identity. For the Jews, to live was to keep the Law, the Commandments of God. In fact, “Wisdom” for Israel is the keeping of God’s Commandments, and to be unwise was to break the commandments of God. Pentecost was the celebration of the Law: “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night” (Ps 1:1-2). Happily, the Old is gone, the New has come!
On Pentecost Day, as recounted by the Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11, a mutation took place, especially for Christians; something New took the place of the Old Law, without annulling the Old Law. That which is New and remains New is the Holy Spirit coming upon humanity, symbolized by the tongues of Fire descending on the Mother of God and the Apostles. A New Law was given, the Law of the Spirit of God, and not the letters of the Law of Moses. A New Language was spoken on Pentecost Day, a language spoken by the Apostles, and all the people, despite their different languages, understood what was being said. Also, the New Language communicated one single message, “the marvels of God.” Yes, the Good News of salvation is what the Holy Spirit brought as that which is New. The Holy Spirit is the New Law!
The good news of salvation proclaimed on Pentecost Day consisted of one message, the whole of creation has been transformed and humanity is no longer judged by the weakness of the human nature on account of its fallenness, humanity has received forgiveness of sins, and it is being measured by the love of God, and not the justice of God. Those who were unsure of their salvation, have salvation offered to them on a plater of gold. Jesus dies for sinners, the righteous one for all the unrighteousness of past, present, and future generations. The wages of sin hanging over humanity with its power of death was substituted with the grace of salvation. The era of the Holy Spirit is the era of forgiveness, justification and love. This is the Newness that has come, that God doesn’t hold the sinner guilty, but sees the redemption wrought for humanity by Christ in each person. Indeed, the Old is gone, the New is here!
The future of humanity is in the hand of God, but directed by God’s Holy Spirit. According to our gospel today, “the Holy Spirit will lead to all truth”. The understanding of God, which is better than that of old is what the Holy Spirit comes to teach us. Our inadequate knowledge of God is being upgraded by the Holy Spirit; our future faith, love and hope are being shaped and reshaped by the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Yes, every form of renewal in knowledge and wisdom is guided by the Holy Spirit. Our doubts and uncertainties are assuaged by the same Holy Spirit. For, there is no more guarantee that the Old is better than the present because the Holy Spirit is leading humanity into a future of better and greater things of God, through the Holy Spirit. Truly, the Old is gone and the New is with us!
If our past iniquities, “the works of the flesh,” as our second reading will put it, threaten our guarantee for salvation, we are comforted by the works of the Spirit of God in us. We are not a bunch of “no-good” and good-for-nothing, we have been sealed by the Holy Spirit of God, we have been purchased for eternal salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ. The joys, love, kindness and goodness we experience and occasionally participating in bringing about all testify to the presence of the Holy Spirit among us; those point to the fact that humanity is not doomed yet, and that humanity continues to say “Jesus is Lord” by the power of the Holy Spirit. By the same Holy Spirit, every sinner is emboldened to hope and work for salvation because the Spirit of God has come to help human weaknesses. As a matter of fact, this is the New that has come – the power of the Holy Spirit to topple sinfulness!
On this Pentecost day, we are reminded of our journey into the future with the Holy Spirit leading us. Today, we are reminded of the testimony of the Holy Spirit that we have been saved and are destined for eternal salvation: “When the Advocate comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he will testify to me”. The Holy Spirit guarantees and keeps permanent the victory over death and sin won for humanity by Jesus Christ. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit guides and preserves humanity, through the Church, in the truth of salvation as planned and ordained by God. The Holy Spirit keeps and makes every generation contemporaneous with the effects of Christ’s redemption. This is the New that has come!
As temples of the Holy Spirit and those animated by the Holy Spirit, we no longer look at our frailties but the strength that comes from the Holy Spirit. As the Church founded at Pentecost and universalized by the Holy Spirit, we only see goodness in God’s creation and creatures. While residents of the earth pay for the services of advocates and solicitors, in their legal battles, we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to keep us faithful to and constant in the truth of Jesus Christ. Indeed, with the Holy Spirit there can only be newness always!
Assignment for the Week:
Pay attention to your spiritual strengths and use the same to overcome your weakness!