Happiness Sunday or Gaudete Sunday
Zephaniah 3:14-18a; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:10-11
No one knows how and when it will come to an end, but it started in Heaven, and it continues on earth — rebellion! The very first rebellion is that against God; Lucifer started it. He rejected God’s leadership, he separated himself from God in a secession. Michael stood up to Lucifer and got him expelled from Heaven to earth. On earth, human beings have invented all kinds of political systems for themselves except the one God designed for them — Theonarchy “leadership by God”. From all generations human beings have rebelled against it, and continue to do so today.
“Happiness Sunday” is a recovery Sunday! It is the call to restore Theonarchy as the source of human happiness; without God, there is no happiness but rebellion! Our first reading makes it categorically clear — “God is our King”; and that is the most ancient of political systems—the reign of God as the kingship of God. If you want happiness, God must be king; not territorial kingship, but the domination of our behavior by God’s will; then, happiness will spring up from within us to the outside, not seeking happiness from the outside to the inside.
Two characteristics of God guarantee human happiness: love and salvation. The prophet Zephaniah puts it in these words: “The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior; he will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love”. It is when “God is in our midst” that we begin to experience happiness. Human happiness derives from a God who is a “mighty Savior”. It is the offer of salvation, which is not physical be spiritual, that makes dwell in our midst, in our hearts and cause happiness. This is the meaning of “God is our King” because he dwells in us through the gift of salvation.
When we look around us, what do we see as political systems? Instead of happiness, every human political system creates we versus them or they versus us . They leave in palaces and government houses, but we live in our slums and shanty houses. They fatten themselves from our taxes and resources, but claim to speak for us. We go to die in wars, and those of us who escape going to war we form a protective security ring around their palaces. They enjoy immunities they created for themselves, but we go to jail at their orders. Where is love, where is salvation, and where is happiness in these?
Happiness Sunday is the power of love made visible in actions. Unlike human political systems that separate leaders from the led, in Theonarchy separation from God is impossible because God’s love is in the heart. Our God is so present within us, that to see us is to see him. Our happiness is the measure of his love, the salvation he brings is the death he died for us. Theonarchy is when speech dies and action takes its place; it is when I see my reflection in the mirror of love and sea of exuding happiness. My leader-God is invisible, yet I feel him deep within me and I can describe him in the joy and peace of every human being. This is Gaudete—being happy.
Happiness Sunday is the enthronement of generosity and sharing what we have with others. According to our gospel, it is all about giving until it hurts: “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise . . . Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages.” God will not dwell in high-places but in human hearts: “He will baptize you with Holy Spirit and fire”. There is the need to bridge the gap that separates us from one another, because God dwells in us all. Our greed and selfishness create the loneliness and separation we feel and experience. God’s gift of salvation provides the same level playing ground for everybody, so that we may collectively experience his love and happiness in our midst.
There will be the leadership of God and happiness, only on the basis of the ubiquity of good actions, because God dwells in human beings. As our second reading says, “Your kindness should be known to all”. Our mouth should be less busy; let the silence of speech cedes place to the power of action — the visibility of love. The only human language allowed, in Theonarchy, is joy shared with others: “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God”. To reach out to God needs prayers, the connection cable between God and ourselves. Through constant prayers, our technologies will no longer wear price tags, but become evidence of God’s worship. That is, what we spend money on, in our quest for happiness, is already deep with us and does not need technology to access it.
The very first step to happiness and the first sign of happiness in our hearts is to seek the happiness of others, before ours. If you want happiness, be the first to offer it to others. Learn from Jesus who gave his life for our salvation and happiness free of charge.
Assignment for the Week:
Strategize how to make different people happy this week and leading up to Christmas.